速報APP / 教育 / Review It

Review It



檔案大小:30.6 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Review It(圖1)-速報App

“Review It”, a great company discovery platform for International Students and recent Graduates. This platform would help students & graduates finding the right company based on reviews and experience shared by Alumni and Previous/Existing Employees. The communication feature would allow users to interact with each other and address any ongoing Immigration Issues. The platform would also allow users to create group(s) and chat with users of same interest/location.Apart from Overall rating, Users would have option to rate each function of the company like Immigration that would benefit the Graduates to make a better decision. Apart from connecting to Alumni/Recruiters, this platform also provides Students/Graduates to explore better Job Opportunities.

Below are the Key features of the App:

Review It(圖2)-速報App

1. Find and apply nearby Jobs including your applications

2. Review and rate companies

3. Collaborate with other students/alumni

4. Communicate with Company HR/Recruiters